Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebook Reader

2020. 2. 22. 10:22카테고리 없음

  1. Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebook Readers

Bila A dan B dua kejadian yang saling terpisah P(A) = 0.3 dan P(B) = 0,5, maka hitunglah (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.30 no 5) 2. Bila setiap tulisan sandi pada suatu katalog diawali dengan 3 huruf yang berlainan disusul oleh 4 angka dari 1 sampai 9 (digit) yang berlainan, carilah peluang memilih secara acak satu barang yang bersandi awal huruf hidup dan angka terakhir genap (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.31 no 9) 3.

Dari 100 siswa yang diwisuda, 54 belajar matematika, 69 belajar sejarah, 35 belajar matematika dan sejarah. Bila seorang siswa yang dipilih secara acak, hitunglah peluangnya a) dia belajar matematika atau sejarah b) dia tidak belajar keduanya c) dia belajar sejarah tapi tidak matematika (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.31 no 15) 4. Dari 100 mahasiswa diketahui, 42 mengambil kuliah matematika, 68 mengambil kuliah psikologi, 54 mengambil kuliah sejarah, 22 mengambil kuliah matematika dan sejarah, 25 mengambil kuliah matematika dan psikologi 7 mengambil kuliah sejarah tetapi tidak mengambil kuliah matematika maupun psikologi, 10 mengambil kuliah matematika, psikologi dan sejarah serta 8 mahasiswa tidak mengambil satupun kuliah matematika, psikologi atau sejarah. Bila seorang mahasiswa dipilih secara acak, cari peluangnya bahwa (a) Seseorang yang mengambil kuliah psikologi mengambil matakuliah psikologi, matematika dan sejaran? (b)Seseorang yang tidak mengambil kuliah psikologi mengambil matakuliah sejarah dan matematika?

Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.41 no 5) 5. Bagi keluarga yang tinggal disuatu kota, peluang bahwa istri ikut kegiatan olah raga 0.21, peluang suami ikut kegiatan olah raga 0.28 dan peluang suami dan istri ikut olah raga 0.15.

Berapa peluangnya, a) Paling sedikit salah seorang daripadanya ikut kegiatan olah raga b) Seorang istri ikut olah raga, bila diketahui suaminya olah raga c) Seorang suami ikut olah raga, bila diketahui istrinya olah raga (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H.

Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.42 no 10) 6. Dalam permainan poker, suatu tangan berisi lima kartu, Berapa peluangnya satu tangan mengandung a) 3 As b) 4 heart dan 1 club (Ronald E.

Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.31 no 13) 7. Peluang suatu industri akan membangun pabriknya di Bekasi 0.7, Peluang membangun pabriknya di Bandung 0.4 dan peluang membangun di Bekasi atau di Bandung atau kedua duanya 0.8. Berapa peluang pabrik tersebut dibangun a) di kedua kota b) tidak disalah satupun dari keduanya (Ronald E.

Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.32 no 17) 8. Sebuah kotak berisi 6 bola hitam dan 4 bola hijau. Tiga bola diambil secara berurutan, tiap bola dikembalikan ke kotak sebelum bola berikutnya diambil. Berapa peluangnya bahwa a) Ketiga bola berwarna hijau b) Tiap warna terwakili (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.50 no 12) 9.

Peluang bahwa nyonya berada di rumah ketika penjual jamu dating 0.6. Jika nyonya berada dirumah peluangnya dia membeli jamu 0.4. Cari peluangnya bahwa nyonya rumah berada dirumah dan membeli jamu ketika si penjual datang?


Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.42 no 12) 10.

Peluang sebuah kendaraan berplat L lewat jagorawi 0.12; peluang kendaraan truk lewat jagorawi 0.28, peluang truk itu berplat L 0.09. Berapa peluangnya a) Sebuah truk yang lewat Jagorawi berplat L b) Sebuah kendraaan berplat L lewat jagorawi adalah sebuah truk?

C) Sebuah kendaraan yang lewat jagorawi tidak berplat L atau bukan truk? Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.32 no 11) 11. Sebuah kota mempunyai dua truk pemadam kebakarn yang bekerja saling bebas.

Peluang suatu mobil tertentu tersedia bila diperlukan adalah 0.96. A) Berapa peluang keduanya tidak tersedia bila diperlukan b) Berapa peluang suatu mobil tersedia bila diperlukan (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.43 no 17) 12. Dari sutu daerah diketahui berdasarkan pengalaman masa lalu bahwa peluang memilih seseorang dewasa diatas 40 tahun yang kena kanker adalah 0.02. Bila peluang seorang dokter dengan tepat mendiagnosa seseorang yang kena kanker sebagai terserang kanker 0.78 dan peluangnya keliru mendiagnosa seseorang yang tidak kena kanker sebagai terserang kanker 0.06, berapa peluangnya seseorang didiagnosa sebagai terserang kanker? Walpole., Raymond H.

Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat, h.48 no 1) 13. Bila peluang seseorang akan melakukan kesalahan dalam mengisi formulir SPT adalah 0.1, cari peluangnya bahwa a) 4 orang yang tidak saling mengenal masing-masing melakukan kesalahan mengisi b) Pak Ali dan Pak Budi keduanya melakukan kesalahan dan pak Cokro dan pak Dodi tidak (Ronald E. Walpole., Raymond H. Myers., Ilmu Peluang dan Statistika untuk Insiyur dan Ilmuwan., Penerbit ITB bandung., Edisi keempat., h.50 no 6) 14. Hitung nilai z apabila: a)luas kurva normal antara 0 dan z adalah 0,4761 b)luas kurva normal ke kiri dari z adalah 0,6700 c)luas kurva normal ke kiri dari -z adalah 0,1736 d)luas kurva normal ke kanan dari -z adalah 0,5948 e)luas kurva normal ke kanan dari z adalah 0,0075 f)luas kurva normal antara -z dan z adalah 0,7198 ( E-mail dari 15. Twenty-two percent of liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are manufactured by Samsung. What is the probability that in a collection of three independent LCD purchases, at least one is Samsung?

(Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p178,number 91) 16. There are four people being considered for the position of chief executive officer of Dalton Enterprises. Three of the applicant are over 60 years old of age.

Two are female, of which only one is over 60 a. What is the probability that a candidate is over 60 and female b. Given that candidate is male, what is the is the probability he is less than 60 c. Giver that person is over 60, what is the probability the person is female (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p.177,number 81 17. The first card selected from a standard 52 card deck is king a. Ir it is returned to the deck, what is the the probability that a king will be drawn on the second selection? If the king is not replaced, what is the probability that a king will be drawn on the second selection?

What is the probability that a king will be selected on the first draw from the deck and another king on the second draw (assuming that trhe first king ws not replaced) (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 52) 18. Armco, a manufacturer of traffic light systems, found that under accereletaed life test, 95 percent on the newly developed systems lasted 3 years berfore falling to change signals properly a. If a city purchesed four of these systems, what is the probability all four systems would operate properly for at least 3 yeasr? Which rule of does this probablity? (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 53) 19.

In a management trainee program at claremont Enterprice, 80 percent of the trainees are female and 20 percent male. Ninety percent of the female attended college and 78 percent of the males attended college a. A management trainee is selcted at random.

What is the probability that the person selcted is a female who did attend college? Are gendernand attendent college independent? Cosntruct a tree diagram showing all the probabilities, conditional probabilities and joint probabilities. Do the joint probabilities total 1.00? (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 55) 20.

The probability that a cruise missile hits its target on any particular mission is 0.8. Four cruise missiles are sent after the same target. What is the probability a. They all hits its target b.

None hit the targetc c. At least one hits target (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 59) 21. Brooks Insurance, Inc., wishes to offer life insurance to man age 60 via the iinternet. Mortality tables indicate the likelihood of a 60 year old man surviving another year is 0.98. If the policy is offered yo five man age 60, what the probability a. All five men survive the year b. At least one doest not survive (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 61) 22.

Forty percent of the homes constructed in the Quail Creek area include a secutity system. Three home are selected at random. What is the probability (a) All three of selected homes have a security system (b) None of the three selected homes have a security system (c) At least one of the three selected home has a security system (d) Did you assume the events to be dependent or independent (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 61) 23. Refer to Exercise 22, but assume there are 10 homes in the Quail Creek area and four of them have a secuty system. Three home are selected at random. What is tehe probability a. All three of selected homes have a security system b.

None of the three selected homes have a security system c. At least one of the three selected home has a security system d. Did you assume the events to be dependent or independent (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p174,number 61) 24. Several years ago Wendy’s Hamburgers advertised that there are 256 different ways to order your hamburger. You may choose TO HAVE or TO OMIT any combination of the following on your hamburger: mustard, ketchup, onion, pikckle, tomato, relish,mayonnaise and lettuce.

Is the advertisement correct? Show your answer? (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 75) 25. It was found that 60 percent of vthe tourist to China visited the forbidden city, the temple of Heaven, the great wall and other historical sites in or near Beijing.

Forty percent visited Xi’an with its magnificent terracota soldier, horses and chariots which lay buried for over 2,000 years. Thirty percent of the tourist went to both Beijing and Xi’an. What is the probability that a tourist visited at least one of these places? (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 76) 26.

A new chewing gum has been developed that is helpful to those who want to stop smokng. If 60 percent of those people chewing the gum are successful in stopping smoking. What is the probability that in a group of four smokers using the gum at least one quit smoking?

(Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 77) 27. Reynold construction Company has agreed not to erect all ”look alike” homes in a new subdivision. Five exterior design are offeres to home potensial home buyers. The builder has a standardized three iinterior plans that can bi incorporated in any of the five exterior.

How many different ways can the exterior and interior plans be offered to the potential buyers? (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 78) 28. There are four people being considered for the position of the chief executive of Dalton Enterprises. Three of the applicant are over 60 years of age. Two are female of which only one is over 60. What is the probability that a candidate is over 60 and female b.

Given the candidate is male, what is the probability he is less than 60 c. Given that person is over 60, what is the probablility the person is female (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 81) 29. A computer password consits of four characters.

Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebook Readers

The characters can be one of the 26 letters of the alphabet. Each character may be used more than once. How many different passwords are possible (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 83) 30. A case of 24 cans contain 1 can that is contaminated. Three can are to be chosen randomly testing.

How many different combination of 3 cans could be selected b. What is the probaibiity that are contaminated can is selcted for testing (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p177,number 84)b 31. ABC auto insurance classifies drivers as GOOD, MEDIUM or POOR risks. Drivers who apply to them for insurance fall into these three groups in proportions 30%, 50% and 20% respectively.

The probability a GOOD driver will have an accident is 0.01, the probability a MEDIUM risk driver will have an accident is 0.03 and the probability a POOR driver will have an accident is 0.10. The company sells MR Brophy an insurance policy and he has accident. What is the probability Mr Brophy is a. A GOOD drive b. A MEDIUM risk driver c.

A POOR driver (Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Fourteen Ediition,p178,number 88) 32. Assume the likelihood that any flight on Delta Airline arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled time is 0.9. We randomly selected a Delta on four different days. A) What is the likelihood all four of the selected flight arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled time b) What is the likelihood none of the selected flight arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled time c) What is the likelihood at least one of the selected flight arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled time Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p168,number 56) 33. Tim Bleckle is the owner of Bleckle Investment and Real Estate Company. Tje company recently purchased four tract of land in Holy Farm Estate and six tract in Newburg Woods. The tracts are equally desirable and sell for about the same amount.

A) What is the probability that the next two tract sold will be in Newburg Woods? B) What is the probability that of the next four sold at least one will be in Holy Farm? C) Are these event inxdependent or dependent? Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p170,number82) 34.

Buster Posey of the San Fransisco Giant had the highest batting average in the 2012 Major League Basketball season. His average was 0.336. So assume the probability of getting hit is 0.336 for each time he batted. In a particular game, assume he battled three times. This is an example of what type of probability b. What is the probability of getting three hits in a particular game? What is the probability of not getting three hits in a particular game?


What is the probability of getting at least one hits? Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p170.,number 58) 35. For the daily lotere game in Illionis, participants select three number between 0 and 9. A number cannot be selected more than once, so a winning tikcket could be saya 307 but not 337.

Purchasing one tikect allow you to select one set of numbers. The winning numbers are announced on TV each night. How many different outcomes (three digit numbers) are possible b. If you purchased a ticket for the game tonight, what is likelihood you will win? Suppose you purchase three tickets for tonight’s drawing and a select different numbers for each ticket.

What is probability that you will not win any of the tickets? Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p170.,number 74) 36.

Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebook Reader

An investor purchased 100 shares of Fifth Third Bank Stock and 100 shares of Santee Electric Cooperative stocks. The probability the Bank Stock will appreciate over a year is 0.70. The probability the Electric utility will increase over the same period is 0.60. Assume the two events are independent a) What is the probability both stocks appreciate during the period? B) What is the probability the bank stock appreciates but the utility does not? C) What is the probability at least one of the stocks appreciates?

Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p169.,number 70) 37. There are 20 families in the Willbrook Farms Development. Of these families, 10 prepared their own federal income taxes for last year, 7 had their taxes prepared vby a local professional and the remaining 3 by H&R Block a) What is the probability of selecting a familiy that prepared their own taxes? B) What is the probability of selecting two families,both of which prepared their own taxes? C) What is the probability of selecting three families, all of which prepared their own taxes?

D) What is the probability of selecting two families, neither of which had their taxes prepared by H&R Blocks? Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p169.,number 64) 38. A recent survey reported in Bloomberg Business Weeks delat with the salaries of CEOs at large corporations ang wether company shareholders made money or lost money If a company is randomly selected from a list of 20 setudied, what is the probability, a) The CEO made more than $ 1 million b) The CEO made more than $ 1 million or the shareholders lost money?

C) The CEO made more than $ 1 million given the shreholders lost money d) Of selecting two CEOs and finding they both made more than $1 million Lind,Marchal,Wathern., Statistical Technique in Business and Econimic., Sixteen Ediition.,p169.,number 66). Sebuah perusahaan kontraktor mempekerjakan 38 orang karyawannya pada shift pagi, 28 orang pada shift sore, dan 18 orang pada shift malam. Seorang konsultan kontrol mutu ingin 8 orang karyawan untuk suatu wawancara. Misalkan pemilihan ini dilakukan sedemikian hingga kelompok 8 orang tertentu tersebut memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk terpilih seperti halnya kelompok lainnya. Tentukanlah: a.

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